

All University staff traveling internationally on University-sponsored or supported travel are required to register well in advance of departure. 我们强烈鼓励教师报名.




If you are leading a program of trip involving students to a high-risk destination, 你必须在出发前获得大学的批准. Our definition of a high-risk destination 和 details regarding the approval process can be found on the 旅行审查、批准和限制 页面.


Any academic or business travel abroad undertaken by Rochester faculty; or staff is considered University-sponsored or supported international travel. This includes work-related travel that is developed, funded, or administered by the University. 请参阅 以下是我们出发前的建议清单.


  • 1. 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场你的目的地


    If you are leading a program or trip involving students to a high-risk destination, you must receive 大学的批准 出发前. Our definition of a high-risk destination has recently changed 和 can be found on the 旅行审查、批准和限制 页面.

    Certain countries 和 regions are subject to US economic 和 trade sanctions by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of the Treasury. 有关最新及完整的名单,请浏览海外资产管理办公室 S制裁方案和国家信息页.

    任何拟议的交易, 合同, 协作, 购买, 或其他交易, 或涉及, 受制裁的国家或实体(无论是政府的), 非营利性的, 或商业), 或者是被制裁国家的个人, 应事先与学校的 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和项目管理办公室 (ORPA).

    Rochester faculty 和 staff who travel internationally with laptops, 手机, 和 other mobile devices risk their information security through possible loss, 癫痫发作, 或篡改.

    To reduce the risks associated with traveling with these devices, read University IT’s 国际旅行资讯安全指引.

  • 2. 申请护照并获得必要的签证
    • 美国公民 可以直接通过美国国务院申请护照吗. 请参阅 处理时间 和 加快服务.
    • 非美国公民 能从你的目的地国家获得签证吗 驻美国大使馆或领事馆.
    • We have also negotiated a reduced rate with VisaCentral, a 力a 和 passport services vendor. 收取费用后, they can assist you with routine 和 expedited applications. 进入签证中心门户网站. Research the 力a requirements 和 timelines well in advance of your departure as it can be a lengthy process.


    If you’re required to show proof of evacuation 和 repatriation coverage to obtain a 力a or other travel document, 在网上申请信件. 但为了收到这封信, 你的旅行必须是大学赞助或支持的. 有关此策略的更多信息,请参见标签#8.

  • 3. 旅游的书
    大学的首选旅游供应商是 DePrez旅游集团 和 城乡旅游. When possible, please arrange your travel through one of these two agencies.
  • 4. 注册旅游

    All University staff traveling internationally on University-sponsored or supported travel are required to register well in advance of departure. 我们强烈鼓励教师报名.
    注册表很方便, one-stop service that supports emergency communications 和 access to University-provided travel assistance services.

    在大学登记你的旅行后, we strongly encourage you to register with the embassy of your country of citizenship:
    美国公民使用国务院的 智能旅行者登记计划 (STEP)接收特定于目标的运行状况和安全警报.
    非美国公民: 使用 出国大使馆搜索.

  • 5. 参加离职前培训

    Most individuals or groups traveling as part of University-sponsored or supported activities or programs will have pre-departure training or orientations as part of their itinerary.

    If you need a customized pre-departure training session for your group, we are happy to help.

    Please complete the Travel Safety 和 Resources Module before going abroad. 本模块向您概述:

    • 大学提供的旅游资源
    • 健康保险信息
    • 旅行计划工具和提示
    • Emergency response 和 assistance services offered by the University

    接入模块使用 MyPath 
    In the search box on the upper right, type in “UR Travel Safety 和 Resources”, then Enter

    • 单击所选的课程标题
    • 如果出现提示,点击“请求”按钮
    • 点击“启动”

    接入模块使用 黑板上
    搜索 “UR Travel Safety 和 Resources” in the Course 搜索 or in the Course Catalog, 在行政.

    全球参与办公室 offers international trip leader workshops for faculty 和 staff who will be leading travelers abroad on University-sponsored or supported programs 和 activities. 这个1.5小时工作坊讨论:

    • 领队的全面职责
    • 制定降低风险的行程
    • 在大学登记旅行
    • 免费大学旅游保险
    • Developing emergency plans, reporting incidents, 和 following University protocols


  • 6. 回顾你的健康保险
    If you are currently enrolled in a University health plan, here is what each plan covers:
    • BCBS全球核心—搜索 providers, get news alerts 和 access emergency information 和 medical translations. 注意:当您首次访问本网站时, 您必须输入您的保险号的前三个字母. 这些字母是:“URL.” For all Rochester health plan members, these letters are the same.
    • 打印你的 BCBS全球核心手册 (PDF),并在出国时随身携带
    • 下载 BCBS全球核心移动应用程序,适用于iPhone和Android.
    If you are NOT currently enrolled in a University health plan, here are the next steps:
    • Check with your insurance provider to see what they cover internationally. 可以向供应商询问的话题包括:
      • 医疗紧急保险
      • 在海外取得处方药
      • 在国外寻找保健服务提供者
      • 如何取得健康保险卡的副本


  • 7. 拜访健康专家
    • All travelers are encouraged to make appointments with their primary care physicians for a pre-departure physical a旅行前至少60天.
    • 你还应该讨论免疫接种, 处方, 以及针对特定目的地和健康状况量身定制的建议.


    收取费用后,  护照的健康 partners with the University to offer comprehensive travel services to individuals planning an overseas trip. Its healthcare professionals are travel experts who can help you plan a safe, worry-free trip. 欲了解更多信息或预约,请致电(585)275-8884或 在线联系护照健康.

  • 8. 回顾由WTP提供的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场旅行援助服务

    回顾你的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Travel Assistance Services, WTP提供 (Medical 和 Security Evacuation).

    旅行援助不同于健康保险. 因此,旅行援助有一个单独的身份证.

    All University faculty 和 staff are covered under Rochester Travel Assistance Services, WTP提供, 参加大学赞助或支持的活动时. 有 此福利无需额外费用. Travel Assistance provides support services in case of emergencies, including:

    • 紧急医疗服务
    • 安全疏散服务
    • 紧急旅行安排
    • 信息服务


    打印您的WTP旅游援助服务身份证 (PDF) University NetID required or download the number from the tab below.

    If you’re required to show proof of evacuation 和 repatriation coverage to obtain a 力a or other travel document, 在网上申请信件. 但为了收到这封信, 你的旅行必须是大学赞助或支持的.

  • 9. 下载大学的紧急联系电话


    Download the University’s emergency numbers straight to your phone’s contacts by scanning this QR code with a smartphone to download the KeynectUp card. Simply open the camera app or any QR scanning app (such as Snapchat) 和 let the lens focus on the code. 的n, click the link that pops up to start the KeynectUp card download process. 您也可以通过以下方式下载此卡 玩空中游戏 手机上的网站.

    如果不起作用, 尝试解决. Or 在这里打印卡片.


    1. 打电话给当地 急救服务为先.
    2. 打电话给全球旅行风险管理总监 at +1 585-857-1168 获取即时建议和资源支持.
    3. 打电话给学校的公共安全部门 24/7紧急热线 +1 585-275-3333 为紧急情况.


打印教师和工作人员旅行清单 (PDF)


的 GPF was established to promote research 和 scholarly 协作 across the globe, focusing on relationships that are scalable 和 sustainable 和 will likely lead to future research 和 academic outputs (e.g.、联合出版、资助和其他资助、联合教学等.). Awards are available primarily to support University academic 和 research faculty to offset the costs of international research 和 teaching 协作, 无论是在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场还是在国外.